Our goal is to maintain a tight working environment allowing you to restore almost any part of your property with little intrusion on the surrounding landscape.

  • Excavation and Demolition - This is the part we consider to be like dentistry. Its painful to watch but in the end we have a nice clean slate to work with.
  • Formwork - Before every concrete project comes formwork. This part of the job requires decades of experience and determines the overall result.
  • Sub-grade Prep.- 1 OAK Concrete prides itself in giving a long lasting end product.Each project sub-grade is compacted and prepped with commercial project standards in mind for added durability and longevity. Ask your estimator about your particular sub-grade needs.
  • Reinforcement- All types of modern day reinforcement is utilized here at One Of A Kind Concrete. Consult your estimator about reinforcement needs.
  • Placement - Placing concrete can be a daunting task and requires a crew of highly skilled and experienced professionals. Our men take great pride in the laying and finishing of each project to make it unique and stand out against the average.
  • Sealant - A wide variety of sealers can be applied to each project. The sealer used can be determined by the specific finish of the concrete or by a clients preference. Sealers play an integral role in protecting your concrete from the inevitable elements and freeze thaw cycles.
  • Contraction/control joints are placed in concrete slabs to control cracking. Crack control joints are designed so that when the concrete does crack, it cracks in a predictable manner at a precise location.